How to Get More Views on TikTok

A woman looking to a mobile phone next to a TikTok logo.

Today, TikTok has become a must-have platform for content creators, brands, and companies looking to reach a global audience. With over one billion monthly active users, TikTok has established itself as one of the star platforms in the social media world. However, it is not an easy task to stand out from the crowd and increase the number of views for your TikTok videos due to intense competition. But don’t despair. There are approaches you can take to rise above the other TikTok profiles out there. 

To achieve this, it is essential to understand how TikTok’s algorithm works, as well as to implement effective strategies that capture users’ attention and keep their interest in the content. In this article, we offer you a guide with strategies and practical tips relating to how to increase your TikTok views. From creating engaging content and using the right hashtags to analyzing your metrics and interacting with your audience, you’ll discover the best practices to help you gain more views on TikTok. However, even with these tips, it is important to remember that success on TikTok does not happen overnight. Ultimately, gaining more views on TikTok takes time and work, and so our strategies are geared toward helping you grow in the long term.

Tips and Tricks that can Help you Get More Views on TikTok

Before we start discussing ways to increase your TikTok views, it would be helpful to define what views on TikTok exactly are. A view represents every time a user on the platform begins to watch your video, regardless of how long. Even if someone has watched one of your videos before, viewing it again will count as another view. This means that one single person can account for multiple views.

While some people may consider paying for views, it’s best to gain them organically. Not only is organic growth more sustainable, but it also protects you from the potential penalties TikTok can impose on those who try to buy views or followers. Moreover, buying views can get expensive quickly. With this in mind, you might be wondering how to get more views on TikTok for free (i.e. without paying for them).

With this in mind, get ready to learn the best ways to increase your TikTok views by considering our tips and tricks that you can implement relatively easily.

1. Use the Right Hashtags

You probably have already used hashtags on TikTok. In fact, many use hashtags in the description of a video. This is because hashtags help people find your videos more easily when they are related to a topic that the hashtag represents. However, how do you know what hashtags you should use for your videos?  

The answer is through hashtag research with a tool that enables you to analyze not only your own profile but also other similar profiles in your industry. With a tool that allows for unlimited profile tracking, you can analyze dozens or even hundreds of profiles to more easily detect what are the best hashtags to use in your industry or content niche. This can be either in terms of hashtags that are correlated with high post interaction or engagement rates.

Apart from using data-based research approaches to find the right TikTok hashtags for your videos, you should consider combining broad, popular hashtags with some more specific ones. While using trending hashtags may seem like the best idea to attract many of followers to your video, you also have to keep in mind that many are probably already using these hashtags, so competition is intense. That’s why it’s a good idea to include more niche hashtags as well where your video can rank more easily.

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2. Use Trending Audios

Using popular sounds and songs can be one of the ways that your target audience reaches your video. In reality, using popular audio can make it easier for people to find your content. This is because if someone watches a video with the same audio, they are generally able to discover videos with similar audio more easily. 

Keep in mind that if you are interested in this approach to gain more TikTok views, that simply using audio is not the whole story. Rather, it is important to incorporate these audios into your videos in a way that is creative and relevant to your content. Not only will you attract a wider audience, but you will also increase the likelihood that your videos will be shared, commented on, and even recommended by the platform.

3. Find the Best Time to Post

If you are looking to increase the number of your TikTok views, then posting times may be important to pay attention to. As you may already know, getting early engagement with your videos is an important ranking factor for the TikTok algorithm. For this reason, finding the right times to post on TikTok is important, since you want to find when your target audience is interacting with posts at the highest rates. Keep in mind that there is no universal best posting times for TikTok, which makes it important that you focus your analysis on your target audience and their online behavior.

A man talking through a headset with charts, graphs, and an Instagram logo behind him.

There is a best times to posts analysis that you can undertake to find out when the best posting times are for your industry or content niche. This type of analysis relies on being able to analyze the data not only for your profile but also those of other similar profiles to better understand the behavior of your shared audience. While early engagement is just one of many factors used by the TikTok algorithm, posting at optimal times can be an effective approach to increase the number of your TikTok video views.

4. Pay Attention to your Post Frequency

When considering ways related to how to gain more views on TikTok, It is important to pay attention to your post frequency on TikTok. If your followers know that you regularly post new content, they will have a reason to come back to your profile and stay tuned to your updates. At the end of the day, consistency in posting is one of the keys to building a loyal audience that engages with your content. By posting frequently, you will keep yourself in the minds of your followers, and they will also know that you post content regularly.

Additionally, posting often early on gives you a larger data set of your own content to analyze to find out what is working. In other words, it helps you identify what your audience likes the most. You may want to run a benchmarking analysis of other profiles that are similar to yours in your industry to find out what the average number of posts per day or per day is. This can help give you an idea of how often you should be posting yourself. 

5. Conduct Keyword Research

When thinking about how to increase views on TikTok, you may want to consider SEO best practices. In reality, there are a number of TikTok SEO approaches that you can use in order to improve your standing with the algorithm. One key approach is to conduct keyword research. Keywords are terms and phrases that users frequently search for on the platform. By incorporating them in your post descriptions, bio, and username, you can improve the chances of your content or profile being discovered when searching for those keywords. 

Conducting keyword research with a social media tool can ultimately help you get more views on TikTok since you can better discover what topics you should be addressing in your video. While keywords are not the only area of optimization you should pay attention to, they can be helpful in order to help improve your chances of being seen and accumulating followers.  

 6. Find the Perfect Duration for your Videos

One way to approach the issue of how to get more views on TikTok is by studying what the duration of your videos should be. Ideally, you should understand what video duration your audience likes to make sure you are not making them too long or short. Not all industries or content areas are the same, so it makes sense to conduct a study for your own target audience.

If you are serious about increasing your TikTok views, then it may make sense to explore the correlation between video length and metrics such as engagement rate or growth rates. By running a comparative analysis of your own profiles as well as other profiles for video lengths and other metrics, you can better understand what video length you should be using in your own content.  

7. Entice Viewers to Watch your Video Until the End

Getting users to watch your videos to the end is important for the TikTok algorithm. This is because the TikTok algorithm values audience retention, and videos that keep viewers engaged are more likely to be recommended to other users. This can help expand your reach and, ultimately, increase your views on TikTok. To capture and keep attention from the start, you should try to grab the viewer’s attention within the first few seconds of the video.

In general, it may be helpful to structure your videos with a clear and concise story, while also avoiding any boring or unnecessary moments. You can use visual elements, effects, and transitions to make your videos more dynamic and engaging. Also, consider incorporating calls to action that encourage users to stay to the end, such as promising a revelation or an exciting moment. Lastly, make sure your content is relevant and offers value, whether entertaining, informing, or inspiring your audience. 

Four coworkers working together with two social media posts and a graph in the background.

8. Use CTAs

You may be wondering how to get more views on TikTok with actions that take place after posting a video. In other words, what types of actions can your viewers take after you post a video to help increase views? The key here is to encourage interaction with your audience so that you receive comments, likes, and especially shares. These are all indicators that reflect audience interest and engagement to help your videos get seen by more people. In all, it is important to include CTAs for your audience to share, since these can help you increase your TikTok views.

9. Know your Audience

If you are looking for ways related to how to get views on TikTok, it is sometimes important to start with the basics. In this case, it is essential that you know who your audience is and what they are interested in. This involves a detailed analysis of their interests and preferences. So, in order to get more views on TikTok, you can use analytical approaches to find the best performing content formats and types and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

10. Think about Collaborating with other Creators

A valuable hack related to how to get more views on TikTok is to collaborate with other content creators. While this approach may not make sense for everyone, it offers several compelling advantages that are worth considering. Partnering with creators who already have an audience can introduce your content to new followers and expand your reach. By carefully selecting collaboration opportunities, your content can gain new viewers.

11. Consider Creating a Video Series

If you are thinking to yourself  “how can I get more views on TikTok” you are certainly not alone. One tip is to not look at every TikTok video you create as separate and distinct from others. In other words, consider creating video series that keep people coming back and watching multiple videos that build on one another. This approach can be highly effective since it can make your audience want to watch further videos. After all, viewers may be more likely to follow along and watch multiple videos, much like they would with a TV show. 

If several of your videos share a common theme and naturally fit together, consider turning them into a series. However, it’s crucial to create compelling hooks for each video that will attract viewers to continue watching until the end of the series, thus maximizing your potential views.

A woman with a headset next to graphs with a CTA saying "Register Now"

12. Add Subtitles

Closed captioning is another effective strategy related to how to get more views and likes on TikTok. Closed captioning allows people to enjoy your videos without the sound, which is especially useful in environments where they can’t hear audio. They also make your content accessible to the hearing impaired, expanding your potential audience. By adding text that highlights the key points of your video, people can view your video even if they don’t have their sound on.

Adding captions can also improve your videos’ TikTok SEO performance which, as we know, is an important factor to consider in order to get more views on TikTok. By including relevant keywords in your captions, you increase the chances of your content appearing in searches from users interested in those topics. 

Getting more Views on TikTok is in your Hands

If you want to get more views on TikTok, it is important to formulate a long-term strategy as well as find out which tips we mentioned above make sense for your profile. This involves research to find out what approaches are working and which ones are not. Using data-based approaches in the process of getting more views on TikTok is an important aspect for identifying the best practices for your own account.  

It can be extremely helpful to use a social media tool that offers powerful analytical and research features so you can find the best course of action. Using an all-in-one social media tool such as Fanpage Karma also gives you with access to social media community management, publishing, and research features which help you manage your entire your social media presence.

If you’re ready to take your social media strategy to the next level, you can try Fanpage Karma free for 14 days. Plus, don’t miss our free weekly webinars where we share expert tips and strategies to help you maximize your success on TikTok and beyond.

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