How to Get More Views on Pinterest

A person looking at a phone with a Pinterest logo to the side.

Pinterest has become a go-to platform for discovering new ideas, getting inspiration, and exploring personal interests. Whether users are looking for creative DIY projects, fashion tips, or recipes, Pinterest offers a wealth of content that caters to a wide range of tastes and needs. This ever-growing demand for fresh and engaging content has opened up opportunities for creators, brands, and influencers to make a significant impact on the platform. However, with millions of pins being added every day, how can you ensure your content stands out and attracts the views it deserves?

Increasing views on Pinterest means that your content captures the attention of a wider audience, which can significantly boost your profile’s reach and influence. While there is no magic formula to instantly increase your views, implementing effective strategies can significantly transform the performance of your content on the platform. By optimizing your pins, actively interacting with your audience, and continuously analyzing your performance data, you can progressively improve your monthly views on Pinterest and strengthen your presence.

In this article, we will explore a series of practical tips and techniques when looking into how to get views on Pinterest, increase your visibility, and attract a more engaged audience. With a personalized, data-driven approach, you’ll be able to adjust your strategy to maximize your results and make your content stand out.

What are Monthly Views on Pinterest?

So, what does monthly views mean on Pinterest? Monthly views on Pinterest is a key metric that measures the total number of times your content, such as pins, boards and profile, is viewed by users in a 30-day period. This number can give you an overview of your reach and visibility on the platform, showing how often your content appears in users’ feeds, search results, or other Pinterest features. Monthly views are not a direct measure of engagement, like clicks or saves, but they give you a general idea of how many people are exposed to your content. Higher monthly views indicate that your content is being widely distributed across the platform, which can drive brand awareness and drive more traffic to your website or online store.

If you are researching how to get more monthly views on Pinterest, you should not only focus on creating high-quality, visually appealing pins that stand out, but also implement other relevant strategies and keep Pinterest metrics in mind. Some of the other relevant metrics besides monthly views include impressions, link clicks, saves, and total engagement. Impressions refers to the number of times your Pins show up in users’ feeds, regardless of whether they interact with them. Link clicks measure how many times users click on your content to get more information, directing them to your website or another platform. Saves indicate how many times users have saved your Pins to their own dashboards, which is a sign that your content is valuable to them.

Total Engagement combines all of these interactions to give you an overview of how users are interacting with your content. To maximize these metrics, it may be relevant to identify your target audience, optimize your content for SEO, use the right hashtags and engaging hooks among other strategies. By using Pinterest Analytics or other analytics tools, you can track these metrics and adjust your content strategy to increase your visibility and engagement on the platform.

A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button.

How to get more Pinterest Views: 8 Tips and Tricks

With this in mind, you might me wondering how do you get views on Pinterest. Below, we show you 8 strategies to get more views on Pinterest and how you can start implementing them:

  1. Identify your Target Audience
  2. Optimize your content for SEO: keyword research
  3. Use engaging hooks
  4. Increase your reach with the perfect hashtags
  5. Post at the right time to maximize impact
  6. Foster connection with your community
  7. Pinning on niche-related boards to increase reach
  8. Encourage engagement with clear CTAs

1. Identify your Target Audience

When thinking about how to increase Pinterest views, you should start by understanding who your audience is. Knowing who you’re creating content for helps you tailor your pins, select relevant topics, and use keywords that resonate with your viewers. Pinterest users are attracted to profiles that consistently produce content they find inspiring, useful or entertaining. By focusing on your audience’s interests, you can create a niche that makes your content more engaging, increasing the likelihood that your pins will be saved, shared, and discovered by new followers.

Finding your target audience can help you stand out on Pinterest, but the process varies from person to person. Focusing on specific topics, whether it’s crafts, home decor, fitness tips or fashion inspiration-can help you attract a target audience that values your unique perspective. To do this effectively, it is crucial not only to identify your niche, but also to understand what type of content genuinely interests your audience. Analyze which pins get the most engagement to discover what topics or styles captivate your followers. This way, you can tailor your content to meet their needs, keeping your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Whatever your niche is, studying your audience’s behavior can give you insights into what content will appeal to them. Analyze your previous pins to see what works well, and consider competitor analysis as an option to learn from other successful creators in your industry. By researching popular content, keywords, and styles, you can refine your approach and consistently produce pins that appeal to your audience. This ongoing research can help guide your strategy, increasing your Pinterest visits and overall engagement, without making rigid assumptions about what will work best.

2. Optimize your Content for SEO: Keyword Research

Optimizing your content for SEO is helpful if you want to learn how to increase monthly views on Pinterest and capture the attention of your target audience. One of the most effective ways to do this is through keyword research. Finding the right words and phrases can help your content show up in relevant searches and reach the right audience. But how can you find out which keywords are the most effective for your niche?

The first step is to put yourself in your audience’s shoes. Think about the terms they would likely use when searching for content similar to yours. Do a quick search on Pinterest to see what keyword suggestions come up in the search engine, since these are direct clues to what users are searching for. Also, look at the titles and descriptions of the pins that appear in the top results, as they often contain the most relevant keywords.

Once you have a list of possible keywords, evaluate which ones have the best potential to attract your audience and learn how to increase monthly views on Pinterest. Keep in mind that an analytics tool can make your job easier and allow you to discover which words are generating the most traffic and visibility. It’s not just about using popular terms, but identifying those that best align with the content you offer and have a higher interaction rate. A higher interaction rate means that users have interacted more with the posts who used that keyword, since they were probably interested in that topic. So, by using a specific keyword, you may attract more people to your pin because apparently there are more people interested in that topic.

A woman climbing up the bar graph that symbolizes growth.

Incorporating these keywords strategically in your titles, descriptions and boards can make your content easier to find and more relevant to users. Remember that SEO optimization on Pinterest is not just a one-off task; it requires constant adjustment and adaptation to keep up with your audience’s search trends. Take advantage of this data and continually adjust your strategy to keep your content visible and relevant, which could translate into increased monthly views and engagement with your Pins.

3. Use Engaging Hooks

Pinterest users are constantly exposed to an avalanche of content, which can make it difficult to capture their attention. That’s why engaging hooks are an important approach when you are considering how to get more views on Pinterest pins. After all, it’s not just about creating quality content, but giving them a compelling reason to click through and explore more. A powerful title, an eye-catching image, or a clear promise of value can be the difference between a post that goes unnoticed and one that generates more views.

If you would like to maximize your results, you should think about what motivates your audience. Do they want to learn something new, solve a specific problem, or are they simply looking for inspiration? You can use direct and persuasive phrases, such as “Discover how to…” or “The ultimate guide to…”. These small details can transform a generic pin into an irresistible piece that users won’t want to miss.

Remember, it can’t just be enough to capture initial attention. The goal is also to generate genuine interest that leads to action. If your hooks deliver on that promise, you may notice a significant increase in views on your Pinterest posts. And if you need help analyzing what works best for your strategy, it may make sense to use specialized analytic and benchmarking tools to find optimization tips.

4. Increase your Reach with the Perfect Hashtag

Hashtags can be a useful tool for increasing the visibility of your posts on Pinterest, but only if they’re used strategically. While there’s no guarantee that using hashtags will automatically get you more views on Pinterest, it can definitely be a key part of the process when it comes to optimizing the reach of your content. So, if you haven’t paid attention to hashtags in your posts yet, now is a good time to reconsider.

The real challenge is finding the right hashtags. It’s not just about adding popular hashtags and hoping they work. What can really make a difference is identifying hashtags that align with your content and your audience. A data-driven approach can be very helpful in this regard. Analyze which hashtags are getting a higher interaction rate on similar posts, and which ones your competitors are using. You may want to know this because it allows you to see what topics and keywords are resonating in your niche, which can inspire you to adapt your strategy more effectively. Additionally, by knowing the hashtags that are driving your competitors’ success, you can identify opportunities you may not have considered before and discover relevant hashtags that could attract the audience you’re looking for.

Specialized tools that allow you to discover and evaluate the most effective hashtags for your niche can help you boost your results. Finding the right hashtags that correlate with higher interaction rates can help you maximize your reach and attract the right audience, thus optimizing your strategy more efficiently and without unnecessary effort. This process will not only help you to get more visibility, but also to connect with an audience that is interested in what you offer.

5. Post at the Right Time to Maximize Impact

Posting at the ideal time can make a big difference in the performance of your posts on Pinterest. It’s not just about creating engaging content; it can also be crucial to know when your audience is most active and willing to interact with what you share. If you post at times when your audience is online and most willing to interact, you can increase the chances of your Pins being seen, saved, and shared.

Determining these optimal times doesn’t have to be a guessing game. There are analytics tools that allow you to identify the best times to post on Pinterest based on your audience’s habits and historical interaction data. These tools can give you valuable information about the times and days when Pins from your own account and other similar ones have the highest reach and engagement rate, allowing you to adjust your posting strategy to maximize results. Remember, to be most successful in getting views on Pinterest, your strategy should be customized and tailored to your own data and what really works for you.

6. Foster Connection with your Community

One of the aspects that may be most underestimated on Pinterest is the importance of connecting with your community. It’s not just about posting content and expecting users to interact. In fact, creating a genuine relationship with your audience can be key to increasing your Pins’ views and strengthening your presence on the platform. Establishing an authentic connection can not only improve the perception of your brand, but it also fosters loyalty and increases the likelihood that your followers will share your content, which can lead to more views and greater exposure.

To achieve this, actively interact with your audience. Respond to comments on your Pins and engage in conversation with other accounts within your niche. This level of interaction not only shows that you value your followers, but it can also increase your visibility on Pinterest, as the algorithm may favor active and engaged accounts. Commenting on and repinning relevant content from other users can also help you gain more visibility and attract followers interested in what you offer.

However, managing your community can take a lot of time and effort, especially when you are trying to maintain constant and meaningful interaction. Social media tools that include features such as community management can help you streamline this process, making it easier to monitor and manage all of your profile interactions in one place. With these tools, you can make sure you don’t miss any important conversations, respond quickly to comments, and maintain continuous contact with your audience without feeling overwhelmed.

Two people in dialogue boxes with pictures of people in the background with descriptions

Finally, don’t forget that connecting with your community is an ongoing process. Keep the dialogue open, listen actively, and adjust your content according to your audience’s needs and preferences. This way, you’ll not only increase views on Pinterest, but also build a loyal and engaged community that will support your brand’s long-term growth.

7. Drive Engagement with Calls to Action

Calls to action (CTAs) can be a powerful tool to increase engagement and, as a result, boost the views of your Pinterest pins. An effective CTA guides your followers to interact in a simple and direct way, whether by asking them to save a pin, leave a comment, or like it if they want to see more similar content. Using phrases like “Like if you want more decorating tips” or “Save this pin for more ideas” encourages interaction and helps you gain valuable insights into your audience’s interests. These interactions provide feedback that allows you to fine-tune your content strategy, focusing on what resonates most with your followers. Additionally, engagement can act as a positive signal to Pinterest’s algorithm, increasing the chances that your pins will reach a wider audience.

Encouraging your followers to engage with CTAs can create a continuous loop of interaction that not only strengthens your relationship with them, but can also extend the reach of your content. Incorporating CTAs strategically in your pin descriptions maximizes their impact, ensuring your content isn’t just seen, but also valued and shared. Consistent use of CTAs helps maintain your community’s interest, keeping them engaged and connected with your brand. As more people interact with your pins, your reach on the platform grows, enhancing your content’s visibility and solidifying your presence on Pinterest.

A woman off to the right with graphs next to a "Register Now" CTA

8. Pinning on Niche-Related Boards to Increase Reach

If you’re looking to get more views on Pinterest, pinning to niche-related boards can be a highly effective strategy. By joining group boards or pinning on boards managed by other creators in your industry, you can showcase your content to a wider audience that’s already interested in similar topics. This approach not only can boost the visibility of your pins but also introduces your account to others who might not have discovered your content otherwise. It’s a simple yet strategic way to increase exposure and attract a new, engaged audience.

To get the most out of this strategy, you can focus on finding highly active boards with a strong following within your niche. When pinning to these boards, make sure your content is relevant and aligns with the board’s theme to ensure it resonates with the audience. This can significantly boost engagement rates and establish your presence within your target community. Regularly participating on boards related to your niche also may position you as a credible and valuable resource, making your account more familiar and trusted. The more your content appears in these relevant spaces, the more likely users are to explore your profile, follow you, and engage with your pins, driving organic growth and helping you build a loyal following on Pinterest.

Conclusion: How to Increase Views on Pinterest

Increasing views on Pinterest is not a matter of luck, it’s a matter of strategy. To understand how to increase Pinterest monthly views, you should know your audience, optimize your content for SEO, use engaging hooks and appropriate hashtags, and post at the optimal times. By implementing these strategies, you can create a solid foundation for your growth on the platform.

Each of these actions can contribute to increasing your visibility, engagement, and views on Pinterest, but it’s the combination of all of them that really drives results. Keep a constant focus on analyzing, adjusting, and improving your strategy based on data and audience trends. This way, not only will you be able to get more views, but you’ll also be able to build a loyal and engaged community that will support your content in the long run.

Remember, growth on Pinterest is an ongoing process that requires attention to detail and a commitment to creating relevant and engaging content. By applying these tips and taking advantage of the tools available, you can optimize your Pinterest presence and see your views increase. If you’re looking for a social media tool that allows you to perform this type of analysis, you can try Fanpage Karma with its 14-day free trial and adapt all the strategies we’ve mentioned based on your own data. Additionally, Fanpage Karma offers a variety of content optimization and benchmarking features that provide you with powerful insights, as well as community management, publishing and research tools.

You can also sign up and participate in our free weekly webinar focused on how to use Fanpage Karma to improve your social media performance – don’t miss it and take your strategy to the next level!

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