How to Get More Followers on Pinterest

A woman with a megaphone inside a post surrounded by three follower symbols and next to a large Pinterest symbol.

Pinterest has evolved far beyond being a simple inspiration platform. With over 450 million monthly active users, Pinterest has established itself as an ideal place to grow your business, drive traffic to your website, and build awareness of your brand. It’s not just a place to collect ideas, but also a powerful marketing tool. However, this immense potential brings with it fierce competition. For this reason, there is a real race to add as many followers as possible.

Pinterest is a unique platform in many ways. It functions as a visual search engine, a social network, and an SEO-based platform all in one. This means that, in order to attract and increase Pinterest followers, it’s not enough to post engaging content. In reality, you must optimize your pins and boards so they are easily discoverable by users who are looking for exactly what you offer.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the best Pinterest marketing strategies to gain followers on Pinterest. From optimizing your profile to creating engaging content and using keywords effectively, we’ll show you how to get the most out of this platform so you can discover how to get more followers on Pinterest. Get ready to transform your Pinterest presence and take your digital marketing strategy to the next level.

Why your Follower Count on Pinterest is so Important

On Pinterest, the number of followers you have and the follower growth rate are important metrics to measure success. In order to get more followers on Pinterest, you need to develop a comprehensive strategy. Each new follower is an open door to more views and more interactions, as your pins will appear in their feeds and will be more likely to be saved and shared. This ripple effect not only improves the visibility of your pins, but also increases traffic to your website and boosts your marketing strategy.

Additionally, a strong follower base contributes to your brand’s credibility and authority on Pinterest. Users generally trust accounts that have more followers, which may translate into higher interaction and conversion rates.

A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button.

13 Ways to Get More Followers on Pinterest

To help you increase your followers on Pinterest, we’ve put together some tips and best practices. These strategies will not only help you capture the attention of more users, but will also improve the visibility of your content, strengthen your presence on the platform and, as a result, can increase your Pinterest followers. Read on to discover 13 ways how to grow on Pinterest.

1. Study your Niche

When determining how to increase followers on Pinterest, the first thing you need to do is study your niche. This means finding your target audience and analyzing what kind of content they like to see on Pinterest. Identifying your prospects can help you understand your audience’s behavior and help you tailor your social media marketing strategy to attract them.

When you find out what’s important to your audience and why they follow other profiles, you can better convince them to follow you as well. If you know that other similar profiles are targeting the same audience as you, you can use competitor analysis strategies to learn from them and help you better understand your niche.

2. Create Quality Content

When thinking about how to get more Pinterest followers, it is important to realize that creating valuable content that users will want to save is paramount. This means focusing on high-quality, visually appealing pins that resonate with your target audience. Whether it’s beautiful photographs, eye-catching graphics, or informative infographics, the goal is to produce content that stands out and encourages users to click, save, and share. Conducting competitor research can also provide insight into the type of content that works well in your niche, helping you create even more effective pins. To that end, unlimited profile tracking allows you to monitor and analyze the performance of thousands of profiles to gain deeper insight and improve your strategy.

Always keep in mind that you want to make your account stand out from others. Make sure your content has a clear value to your audience, so they feel like they are getting something of value by following you.

3. Use an Attention-Grabbing Cover Image

Another important strategy in order to increase followers on Pinterest is to choose a good cover image for your pins. The cover image is the first thing users see, and it should clearly communicate what your pin is about. A well-chosen and attractive cover image can greatly increase the chances of people clicking on your pin. 

A good way to find out what attracts the most people to your posts is to conduct a tagging analysis of your pins. This can help you understand what elements of your images your audience interacts with the most, which will allow you to post more pins that are more successful in your niche and consequently bring more people to your profile who can turn into followers.

4. Post regularly

Another key to gaining more followers on Pinterest is to keep a consistent posting schedule. First of all, the more you post, the more data points you have to study. Moreover, if you only post once a month, you may not be creating enough content to attract new people. 

If you post more frequently, you’ll also be able to better understand your audience, see what content works best and, consequently, improve the quality of your content. You will also build trust and a stronger bond with your audience. Your audience will be aware that they will be able to see content from you on a regular basis with your profile staying on top of their mind. 

A social media tool can help you plan and schedule your content, whether you work in a team or on your own. It can also help you determine how often you should post. By using a social media tool, you can track your competitors’ posting frequency to see what their average posts per day is, so you can get an idea of how often you should be posting. 

5. Find the Best Time to Post

Researching the best times to post on Pinterest is an important strategy to keep in mind when thinking about how to increase your Pinterest followers. This approach ensures that your content is posted at optimal times, increasing its visibility and can help you in attracting new followers to your profile.  

This strategy can help you with the Pinterest algorithm, since early engagement is an important ranking factor. In this way, it can allow you to extend your reach to non-followers who may discover your content and end up following your page. By optimizing your posting schedule, you can effectively learn how to increase Pinterest followers and maximize the impact of your content.

A woman working on constructing a social media post on a phone with a chart behind her.

6. Optimize your captions for SEO

Captions on Pinterest are important for improving the visibility of your pins. In order to increase your Pinterest followers, it is essential that you optimize your captions with relevant keywords. By including specific and relevant search terms, your pins may appear in users’ search results. Make sure your descriptions are engaging and provide additional context and value to your visual content. 

Don’t underestimate the power of social SEO on Pinterest. A good keyword strategy can make a big difference in the reach and effectiveness of your pins. It is important to find a social media tool that helps you identify trending keywords for your profile. With a tool, you can analyze how much these keywords were used in a specific time period, as well as the average interaction rates for them. In this way, you can see both what topics are trending and correspond to the highest post interaction rates. The goal of all this is to find out which topics interest your audience and have the highest interaction rates.

7. Find the Right Hashtags

Finding the right hashtags for your Pins can be helpful in order to increase your Pinterest followers. Hashtags allow you to categorize your content and make it easier for users who are searching for a type of content to find your posts. To gain followers on Pinterest, it’s critical that your hashtags are relevant for the topic your content is about.

We recommend undertaking hashtag research in order to find out what hashtags you should consider using. Hashtag research can help you identify the hashtags that generate the highest interaction rates in your industry. Social media tools that allow for unlimited profile tracking are especially well suited for this type of research, since you can add many competitors to your analysis to see what hashtags are best performing. 

8. Create an Engaged Community

Two people in dialogue boxes with pictures of people in the background to the left.

Being involved with your followers is important for retaining them. In reality, this can sometimes be as important as gaining new followers. In many ways, constantly interacting with your followers by replying to their comments and showing that you care can help increase activity on your profile. Most of all, this shows that you are engaged with your audience and that they represent more than just a number

Managing your community can take some real time and effort. If you are managing a large community, or have various communities to manage on various social media networks, it may make sense to invest in a community management tool that allows you to manage your profiles from one centralized interface while adding features that help you reply to messages more efficiently. Combining great content with active community engagement is a great strategy for gaining followers on Pinterest and increasing your brand’s presence on the platform.

9. Cooperate with other Pinterest Accounts

One approach that you may want to consider is cooperating with other Pinterest creators in order to promote your channels. If you can find other creators on Pinterest to cooperate with, and this cooperation makes sense, this can be an effective and low-cost way to promote your profiles. In this way, more people can discover your content and way to follow you.

10. Join Relevant Group Boards

Joining relevant group boards allows your pins to be seen by followers of other accounts and can help expand your reach. Consistently engaging with the wider Pinterest community concerning a certain topic can be an effective strategy since it may help you increase your influence, get more followers on Pinterest, and improve visibility within your niche. This is another low-cost approach and gives you a chance for more people to discover it and, ultimately, follow you.

11. Organize your Content on Boards

Organizing your Pinterest content into specific boards can be a good strategy to improve user experience and increase engagement. So, when thinking about how to gain Pinterest followers, consider making it easy for potential followers to find the content that interests them. 

By creating different boards for different topics, you make it easier for your followers to find and save your pins. It is important to use simple and clear titles for your boards, so users can quickly identify the content they will find. This strategy not only makes your pins easier to find, but also attracts more followers interested in those particular topics, which can help you increase your Pinterest followers.

A woman with a headset next to graphs with a CTA saying "Register Now"

12. Create a Business Account

Switching to a Pinterest business account can provide you with valuable information and tools to improve your strategy. A business account provides access to Pinterest Analytics, which allows you to monitor the performance of your pins and understand what engages your audience. This data is critical to optimizing your content and gives you some insights about how to grow your Pinterest business account. You can also consider applying for Pinterest’s verified merchant program to get the blue checkmark, which can help add trust.

13. Identify Successful Content Formats

Identifying the most successful content formats on Pinterest is key to maximizing interaction and attracting new followers. For instance, should you consider posting more Pinterest Stories? The answer can be found through research. In reality, choosing the most successful content formats is an important approach to take in learning how to grow followers on Pinterest since it can help attract people to your profile through other types of content that may be more appealing to them.

So, if you are wondering what to post on Pinterest to gain followers, you should consider researching what content formats work best is a great place to start. This can be done with a tool that excels at content optimization research, which can give you insights about how to grow your Pinterest account.

Start Optimizing your Account to get Followers on Pinterest

When thinking about how to grow your following on Pinterest, it is important to realize that this is a task that requires a combination of thoughtful strategies and careful execution. Using a social media analytics tool can help you understand what content is performing well, and what isn’t so you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

If you want to start using a social media tool that helps you improve your performance through benchmarking and content optimization analysis, you can try Fanpage Karma’s free 14-day trial. In addition to strong analytics capabilities, you also have access to community management, publishing, and research features. 

You are also welcome to take part in the free weekly webinars to learn how the tool works.

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